Our bodies are made of three bio energies which in turn represents the elements present in nature so are the food which we eat. We should always aim to keep the bio energies in sync with each other by correct eating habits and correct lifestyle. Whenever there is a derangement in the sync it may leads to illnesses or may imbalance metabolism. With balanced harmony in Bio Energies we are healthier, fitter and in terms of weight we are able to manage the weight effectively.
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The ever changing season too has an impact on a person’s metabolism and body. One should always take food as per the season and as per the imbalances. As we already know our diet, activities and routine have a direct impact on our health so is the changing season. The BioEnergies keep changing according to the season. Hence it is important to make some changes in our diet and regimen according to the season. Following the respective Ritucharya builds body's immunity and checks the adverse impact of seasonal changes on body.
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