Heart Health


Heart Health

The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. It's also called cardiovascular disease, which means heart and blood vessel disease.

Several diseases and conditions fall under the umbrella of cardiovascular disease: Arrhythmia (heart rhythm abnormality), Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), Cardiomyopathy, Congenital heart defects, Coronary artery disease (CAD - due to build up of plaque in the heart’s arteries) and Heart Attack (ischemic heart disease).

Indians are anyway at higher risk of heart attacks, that too at a young age because of the dietary habits, high prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, genetic factors, increasing prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles and smoking etc.

Although many people develop some form of cardiovascular disease as they get older, now we are seeing rising heart attacks in the young and seemingly fit people on the street, at the dance floor, in weddings and at the gym. In recent times, several young celebrities, from politics to music to films, have succumbed to heart attacks.

Many studies have found that post-COVID-19 infection, there is an increase in heart arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, hypertension, and heart failure and in some cases we’ve seen these conditions may occur even without any previous history of heart disease.

A woman's symptoms of heart disease are often different from a man's.

What causes heart diseases?

Of many factors, the commonest is Endothelium dysfunction. Endothelium is a single layer that forms the innermost layer of any blood vessel. It controls blood fluidity, platelet aggregation and vascular tone, a major role in the regulation of immunology, inflammation and angiogenesis, and an important metabolizing and an endocrine organ. During Covid – 19 most of the unfortunate deaths were related to Endothelium Dysfunction and nowadays in sudden death of many young people, celebrities – almost all of them are linked to Endothelium Dysfunction.

It’s rampant inflammation that causes Endothelium Dysfunction leading to heart attacks, not high cholesterol.

Atherosclerosis is where fatty plaques develop in the arteries. The resulting inflammation deposits fat molecules and immune cells to start building up a plaque. Over time the immune response to this build-up results in arteries becoming narrowed and hard, so less blood gets through. Inflammation in the plaque can also make it to burst, blocking the flow of blood and leading to a heart attack or, if it happens in the arteries supplying the brain, a stroke.

How to prevent heart disease?

A healthy lifestyle, especially when started at a young age, goes a long way in preventing cardiovascular disease.

While heart disease can be deadly, it’s also preventable in most people. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits early, you can potentially live longer with a healthier heart.

Prevention Strategy involves working to prevent inflammation, atherosclerosis, and endothelial dysfunction from taking hold, and prevent risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess weight, and underlying co-morbidities.

As the name implies, the sooner you can start practicing primordial prevention the more likely you are to protect yourself from heart disease.

By making healthy changes now, you can make a difference to your health outcomes.
To maintain health and fight diseases, the body needs the right nutrients, at the right time, and in the right ratio.


Vedic sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Tantra all view the heart as a critically important energetic hub in the body, where a diverse range of physical and energetic pathways intersect.

The heart is an important location of Vata, Pitta & Kapha, The Ojas (the subtle essence of vitality, strength and immunity), and it plays a crucial role in a number of internal bodily channels. It helps in the flow of prana throughout the body.

Ayurvedic texts reveal that the heart is intimately connected to every cell and tissue throughout the body through various channels (Srotasa) . No other organ shares that level of integration with the entire body. This multi-faceted confluence of channels is significant because it means that the heart is inherently affected by—and also capable of influencing—each and every channel.

How we can help?

We identify what changes or support you need for your overall wellness.

Our approach involves a thorough assessment of your health status, lifestyle modifications, best dietary options for positive health outcomes and supportive herbs to address risk factors and to improve the cardiovascular function, and to help recover faster.

We’re here to Help You Find Answers and Feel Better.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you.