Organ Health & Rejuvenation


Organ Health & Rejuvenation

The human body is a complex biological machine made up of nerve, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, endocrine, and immune systems. Each system interacts and associates closely with each other, working in harmony to maintain body health.

If out of balance, the outcomes range from an imbalance of body functions to disease development. Due to compromised health of an organ or respective organ system, our health gradually declines and we become ill.

Our body is known to have its own bio intelligence, a self-repair mechanism for healing itself . Because of our fast paced – restless lives, changes in our living, our lifestyle, and our food habits, we have moved away from the way that facilitates working of this bio intelligence within us.

Over a course of time we have lost the knowledge of the body's natural rhythms. We are accumulating far more toxins in our bodies due to various reasons and environmental factors, increasing the inflammation within us. Chronic stress has become a part of our life and we have become over-dependent on medications even for the tiniest of problems.

“Pop in a pill for every problem”— further weakens and burdens the body’s ability to heal itself.

Loss of vitality in organs render us more susceptible to a number of diseases. It leads to progressive functional decline of organs and decreased vigor. A weak immune system opens the gate to a host of other chronic and degenerative disorders into the body.

“Where do diseases come from?”

They are the manifestations of our life processes under altered conditions.

 Most lifestyle diseases have no independent existence; they are not organisms, they are not invading our body, they are not parasites growing on it. Lifestyle disease are reaction of our body to some unbalancing change in their “internal environment” and subsequent failure to cope with those changes.

When you are healthy, the body systems work together to give you vibrant health. But when one of these systems is off-balance, the whole symphony is out of tune! Health is wealth and after Covid-19 everyone has realized it. Everyone deserves vibrant health. Modern medical system isn’t designed for it. It just looks for the symptoms and treats the symptoms or the disease.

Caring for your health properly is much more than just the basics of eating right and exercising. Most doctors are still treating parts of the body separately – without taking into account the fact that all these organs / systems also affect each other.

Sadly, most patients receive medications to treat symptoms associated with a body part that “isn’t functioning well” – but often, it’s a systemic issue that needs to be treated in a completely different way.

Current medical science is missing when it comes to effectively treating many chronic illnesses caused by aging, environment and diet, hormonal imbalances, and food sensitivities because they try to treat symptoms with medication. Current medical approach doesn’t consider that each person is born with unique health needs: based on their genetic factors, the environment they were born into – each person’s body has a very unique health profile which means they need an equally unique healing protocol.

In our patients we commonly find that while they may have the same symptoms of a disease, they frequently suffer from very different imbalances! It’s no wonder why some people go from doctor to doctor and never find the answers to their illness!

Modern geriatrics has only management for the degenerative disorders. However, in Ayurveda, Rejuvenation (or Rasayana) is aimed for Organ Health, promoting longevity, ensuring enhanced quality of life, keeping you as healthy as possible as you age.

Customized diet detoxes and herbs help restore our bio intelligence and by doing so, our immunity. They help in removing the toxins from the organs and the body, help realign our organ functioning, enhances vitality and promotes strong and healthy body systems thus, healthy you.

By making healthy changes now, you can make a difference to your health outcomes. To maintain health and fight diseases, the body needs the right nutrients, at the right time, and in the right ratio.

How we can help?

We evaluate your health issue in a comprehensive manner including Modern medicine, Ayurveda, Dietary and Lifestyle factors.

We can help you identify what changes or support you need for your overall wellness.

Our approach involves a thorough assessment of your health status, what your body needs, address risk factors, best dietary options for positive health outcomes and supportive herbs manage the side effects of the treatment and to help recover faster.

We’re here to Help You Find Answers and Feel Better.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you.